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Working groups & committees
CEN/TC 460
Food Authenticity
CEN/TC 460 - FOOD AUTHENTICITY Standardization of analytical methods for verification of food authenticity and data evaluation aspects including validation concepts and terms and definitions, as appropriate. The methods shall be validated, to the extent possible.
The CEN/TC will deal with horizontal and vertical methods regarding food authenticity. Vertical authenticity methods which are already dealt with by vertical CEN/TCs (i.e. cereals, fats and oils, cocoa, milk) are excluded. New methods for specific matrices which could be covered by vertical CEN/TCs (i.e. cereals, fats and oils, cocoa, milk) will only be included in the work program of CEN/TC "Food authenticity" after consultation and in agreement with the respective vertical CEN/TC.

Austrian National Standardization Committee 205
Food and animal feeding stuffs analysis
Standardization of the testing and examination procedures required for the implementation of EC Community law and national regulations in coordination with the respective bodies (e.g. Codex Commission)

International Food Authenticity
AOAC International Food Authenticity Methods Program AOAC’s Food Authenticity Methods (FAM) program focuses on identifying analytical tools to better locate and characterize the intentional and economically motivated adulteration of foods.

Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker / Fachgruppe Lebensmittelchemische Gesellschaft /Arbeitsgruppe Stabilisotopenanalytik General Objectives: Standardization and optimization of measurement methods Provision and establishment of reference substances, standards Creation of scientific position papers on methods and assessment bases Exchange and cooperation Generation and collection of basic data for the assessment of stable isotope ratios Support and scientific advice in setting up databases Provision of information and training

Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) § 64 LFGB AG „IRMS“