Berichte über den illegalen Handel (ITR) der Weltzollorganisation

Veröffentlichungen auf der Grundlage von Daten über Beschlagnahmungen durch den Zoll. Der Illicit Trade Report (ITR) ist öffentlich zugänglich und umfasst die Bereiche Durchsetzung und Sicherheit, Umweltschutz und Kulturerbe.

Webinars • Oct 04, 2023

Noch verfügbar on demand: 2023 Food Safety Briefing

Das diesjährige Food Safety Briefing steht unter dem Motto Wissenschaft und Daten - mit vier speziellen Gastexperten vom Mars Global Food Safety Center, der Food Standards Agency, Unibloc und Imprint Analytics, die ihr Wissen weitergeben.

Food Fraud - an organized crime?

Interessante Dokumentation über Lebensmittelbetrug (Englisch) von Bénédicte Delfaut, erstmals veröffentlicht 2021, Java Discover

Articles|Reports • Mar 02, 2023

Karrieren von Frauen in technischen Berufen

Wie ist es, als Qualitätsmanagerin in einem Labor zu arbeiten? Video einer österreichischen Initiative, die Mädchen und jungen Frauen die vielen Möglichkeiten der Studienwahl jenseits klassischer Rollenklischees aufzeigt.

CBI Masterclass: Food fraud (Part II)

CBI Masterclass: Food Fraud (Part II), Center for promoting imports (CBI) funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Netherlands, 2021 CBI, Guest speaker: David Psomiadis (PhD) from Imprint Analytics GmbH, Moderator: Louke Koopmans

Mitigating the risk of seafood fraud

Webinar on demand with David Psomiadis from Imprint Analytics, supported by SGS for food quality, integrity, safety, supply chain and regulatory compliance professionals.

Expanding from food fraud surveillance to the detection of unknown risks in the supply chain

Webinar on demand with David Psomiadis from Imprint Analytics, supported by SGS for food quality, integrity, safety, supply chain and regulatory compliance professionals.

Dealing with food fraud - Food authentication programs and practical examples of total solutions

Webinar on demand with David Psomiadis from Imprint Analytics, supported by SGS for food manufacturers, retailers, processors and food/food ingredients suppliers, QA and Risk Managers, Marketing Managers, Integrity Managers, CSR Managers, CEOs, Brand Protection Managers

Dealing with food fraud - Authentication solutions for brand protection amid changing consumer behavior

Webinar on demand with David Psomiadis from Imprint Analytics, supported by SGS for food manufacturers, retailer/supermarket chains, processors and food/food ingredients suppliers: Quality Assurance Managers, Marketing Managers, Integrity Managers, Corporate Social Responsibility Managers, CEOs, Risk Managers and Brand Protection Managers.

Authenticity testing of vanilla flavors: Alignment between source material, claims and regulation

Webinar on demand with David Psomiadis from Imprint Analytics, supported by SGS for manufacturers, processors, retailers, importers and suppliers of food and food ingredients.

Use of Stable Isotope Analysis in Commercial Food Authenticity Testing

Webinar on demand with David Psomiadis from Imprint Analytics, supported by ThermoFisher

Food Fraud Series on the Implementation of food fraud control systems and best practises.

Webinar on demand with David Psomiadis from Imprint Analytics, supported by SGS on emerging Food Categories - Food Fraud Series on the Implementation of food fraud control systems and best practises.

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Imprint Analytics