Food Fraud - an organized crime?

Interessante Dokumentation über Lebensmittelbetrug (Englisch) von Bénédicte Delfaut, erstmals veröffentlicht 2021, Java Discover

CBI Masterclass: Food fraud (Part II)

CBI Masterclass: Food Fraud (Part II), Center for promoting imports (CBI) funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Netherlands, 2021 CBI, Guest speaker: David Psomiadis (PhD) from Imprint Analytics GmbH, Moderator: Louke Koopmans

The Future of Food 2021 Mini-Series on Food Provenance with David Psomiadis

Interview with David Psomiadis hosted by John G. Keogh “The Future of Food 2021” - Mini-Series on Food Provenance

CBI Masterclass: Food Fraud (Part I)

CBI Masterclass: Food Fraud (Part I): Center for promoting imports (CBI) funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Netherlands, 2021 CBI, Guest speaker: David Psomiadis (PhD) from Imprint Analytics GmbH, Moderator: Louke Koopmans

Innovationspreis 2013: Imprint Analytics - Isotopenanalyse / 1. Platz Innovative Dienstleistungen

Innovationspreis 2013: Imprint Analytics - Isotopenanalyse / 1. Platz Innovative Dienstleistungen, Kurzbeitrag


Report about Imprint Analytics by Galileo Slovenia powered by Hofer Slovenia in Slovenian language

Food Integrity 2022 - ROUNDTABLE

Food Integrity 2022 - ROUNDTABLE - Being authentic and knowing your vulnerabilities

Food Integrity 2022 - FIRESIDE CHAT

Food Integrity 2022 - FIRESIDE CHAT - New Food sits down to talk to David

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